Providing you with expert medical advice to improve your health following an in-depth holistic review.
Become healthier by discovering how you can make changes to improve your health.

Book a Mental Health, Medical & Lifestyle Appointment Online
Welcome to Billsdon Health. Based in Glasgow, our services are available online to patients across Scotland and can be used by anyone looking to improve their wellbeing but can be particularly helpful for people with chronic and complex physical and/or mental health conditions who may not be getting what they need elsewhere.
Our online health and lifestyle appointment service offers long holistic consultations, menopause lifestyle advice, and fatigue management. We work with people using conventional, complementary and lifestyle medicine approaches to learn how to accept, understand and manage their condition.
Qualified, compassionate healthcare professionals in Glasgow
We offer an online appointment service that identifies and meets each patient’s individual health, mental health, and lifestyle needs while also building long-term relationships. Patients will meet with qualified and compassionate health professionals who will spend time with patients to get a detailed history and more holistic view of their health, mental health, and lifestyle. We can offer guidance with both conventional and complementary medicine for improving your health.
At Billsdon Health, we are committed to working with you over a period of time to improve your wellbeing and will agree on an individual plan with you. You will be sent a letter following each health appointment with your plan and details of any resources we are using.
Patient testimonials:
Client 1
Multi-system holistic approach to healthcare
With over a decade of experience listening to, helping, and treating patients in Glasgow and online, there is clearly a gap in services for people with chronic illnesses who need a multi-system approach (chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, PoTS, long covid, etc.) and around understanding the impact of stress on our health, mental health, and lifestyle.
Our service is designed with this in mind and to have long holistic appointments and consultations to work with people using conventional as well as complementary and lifestyle medicine approaches to learn how to accept and manage their condition. Skills like self-compassion, pacing and mindfulness are key to what we offer to ensure that people are linked into the right support that they require.Glasgow-based online health and wellbeing services
We work with anyone interested in improving their health. The specific condition is not important and even if there is no diagnosis that’s ok. From menopause lifestyle advice to fatigue management, medical health appointments and online lifestyle advice, we can help.
We hope that everyone will learn to thrive and be as healthy as they can be even while living with chronic conditions. If you have any questions about our Glasgow-based online health and wellbeing services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re happy to help!
Client feedback
“I’ve been searching for answers and her ability to really listen and join the dots together was incredible.”
“There’s no quick fix or cure for my chronic conditions but feeling heard by the consultant has given me strength and validated my situation.”
“After the appointment I found the review document extremely helpful as we’d covered so much in the 90 minutes and I hadn’t managed to write down all her brilliant suggestions.”
“The session was clear, structured and I felt empowered for the first time in 5 years to go away and make changes, without feeling pressure to change them all at once.”
Start Your Journey of Happiness and Health Today!

Moving our bodies is important but when dealing with chronic health problems needs to be done with careful pacing.

Relaxation & Sleep
Relaxation is often forgotten about in our busy lives and many of our lifestyle habits impact on the quality of our sleep. Learn more about the changes you can make.

Discover what changes you can make to your diet to improve your specific health condition.
- Learn about pacing
- Healthy Eating Habits
- Simple Language
- Non-judgemental
- Focus on Health
- Improve Your Stamina
- Get Better Health
- Achieve Peace of Mind
- Experience more of every day
- Achieve more in Life